Areas of Expertise
Dr McAra provides assessment, management and education in the following areas:
Expertise in pedal vascular assessment and management of impaired vascular supply in feet and legs
Diabetes and neuropathy assessments and treatment
Advanced wound management
Management of oedema, lymphoedema and lipoedema
General foot care and maintenance
Management of toe, foot, ankle, arch, heel and leg pain
Assessment and management of knee, hip and back pain when foot function contributes
Children's foot and leg problems including 'growing pains'
Children and adults with sensory processing disorders and anxiety and behavioural issues
Sports injuries
Biomechanical assessment and treatment
Orthotics - specialising in low bulk options
Skin problems
Nail problems, conservative and surgical
Medicare, DVA , NDIS and Health fund rebated services, and card payments available.
My Approach
I have a long held passion for improving patient care by applying research findings to clinical practice, particularly for people with high risk feet.
As a part of recent doctoral research, I continue to explored the evidence base for clinical vascular assessment. A publication “Clinical vascular screening of the foot: for Life and Limb”, published in the journal of Diabetes & Primary care in Australia in 2018, provides a “road map” to facilitate valid vascular assessments in the clinical setting (see resources on this website).
The vascular status of the foot is a crucial indicator not only of wound healing, but also for a person’s general vascular health and their cardiovascular disease risk. Accurate assessment of the peripheral vascular status clarifies aspects of clinical management (particularly important in wound care in the lower extremity) and indicates when further investigation and referral are necessary.
I have interest and experience with children and adults with sensory processing disorders such as autism spectrum disorder. I am patient and open to feel my way for how to meet special needs. I find that with sensitivity and awareness, I can usually find a way to have a successful consultation and aim for a positive, non-threatening experience even with behavioural and anxiety issues.